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Articles by Swami Tathagatananda

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Article 1: The Loving Aspect of Holy Mother


Article 2: Fundamental Principles of Vedanta


Article 3: Abhijnana Sakuntalam “A Wonder Coming From A Land Of Wonders”


Article 4: A Western Family's Devotion to Vedanta


Article 5: Bhisma - A Sketch


Article 6: The Divinity of Life


Article 7: Japam - Instrument Of Love For God’s Name



Article 8: Sri Ramakrishna And The Common Person


Article 9: Albert Einstein -The Mystic


Article 10: Albert Einstein - Humane Scientist


Article 11: Evolution


Article 12: Further Observations On The Universal Influence Of Sanskrit Through Shakuntala


Article 13: Hinduism Emphasizes The Supreme Importance Of Spiritual Life


Article 14: Indian Culture - Its Heights And Lights


Article 15: Impact Of Great Prophets On The Mind Throughout The Ages


Article 16: Cosmology in Vedanta


Article 17: Divine Tide Of Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Reaches Western Shores


Article 18: Durga Puja - Worship Of The Divine Mother


Article 19: Mother's Play


Article 20: Sir Charles Wilkins' Basic Contribution to Indology in the West


Article 21: Swami Vivekananda’s Devotion to His Mother Bhuvaneshwari Devi


Article 22: Swami Vivekananda’s Search For A Mathematical Demonstration Of The Unity Of Existence


Article 23: Swamiji and Madame Calvé


Article 24: The Bhagavad Gita Casts Its Spell On The West


Article 25: The Concept Of Soul Or Self In Vedanta


Article 26: The Gita And Gandhiji On The U.S. Stage


Article 27: The Global Village and Vedanta



Article 28: The Meaning Of Durga Puja


Article 29: The Motherhood of God


Article 30: Vedanta and Chritianity


Article 31: Vedanta and Science


Article 32: Vedanta’s Message For Our Time - Man’s Need For The Eternal Philosophy


Article 33: Swami Vivekananda's Heroic Struggle


Article 34: Swami Swahananda in Memoriam


Article 35: Healthy Values of Good Living