Ramakrishna Vedanta Centers in the West
Ramakrishna Ashrama
Gaspar Campos 1149
1661 Bella Vista
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Phone: 54-11-4666 0098
Fax: 54-11-4666 9225
Email: ramakrishna@ramakrishna.org.ar
Vedanta Centre of Sydney
2 Stewart Street
Ermington, NSW 2115, Australia
Phone: 61-2-8197-7351
Fax: 61-2-9858-4767
Email: centre@vedantasydney.org
Mail address: PO BOX 3101, Monash Park, NSW 2111, Australia
Ramakrishna Vedanta Ashrama
Largo Senador Raul Cardoso
204 Vila Clementino-Cep 04021-070
Sao Paulo - SP, Brasil
Phone: 55-11-5572-0428
Email: vedantasp@uol.com.br
Rio de janiero
Email: vedantarj@hotmail.com
Vedanta Society of Toronto
120 Emmett Avenue
Toronto, Ontario M6M 2E6 Canada
Phone: 416/240-7262
Ramakrishna Mission
Ashram Road, Post Box 716
Nadi, South Pacific, Fiji
Phone: 679-70-2786
Fax: 679-70-5014
Email: rkmissionnadi@is.com.fj
School: svc@is.com.fj
Centre Vedantique Ramakrishna
64 Boulevard Victor-Hugo
77220 Gretz, France
Phone: 33-1-6407 0311
Fax: 33-1-6442 0357
Email: centre.vedantique@wanadoo.fr
Rosenheimer Strasse 13
57520 Steinebach
Phone: 0049-(0)2747-930493, 2747-930495
Fax: 0049-(0)2747-9127288
Email: ashrama@vedanta-germany.org
Nippon Vedanta Kyokai
4-18-1 Hisagi
Zushi-shi 249
Japan 249-0001
Phone: 81-0468-73-0428
Persatuan Sri Ramakrishna Sarada
Lot 36, Jalan 10/7
46000 Petaling Jaya
Selangor, Malaysia
Phone: 60-3-796-00385
Fax: 1-416-245-3764
Email: swami@time.net.my
Ramakrishna Mission
Quinze Cantons,
Vacoas, Mauritius
Phone: 230-696-4313
Fax: 230-696-4313
Ramakrishna Vedanta Society
De Vlaschaard 57
1183 KM Amstelveen
Phone: 31-20/441-0155
Ramakrishna Society - Vedanta Centre
Ul Bolshaya Nabereznaya
House 11, Block 3, Apt. 16
Moscow 125362, Russia
Phone: 7- 499 740 8269
Email: rkmvedantamosc@mtu-net.ru
Ramakrishna Mission
179 Bartley Road
Singapore 539784
Phone: 65-6288-9077
Email: office@ramakrishna.org.sg
South Africa
Ramakrishna Center of South Africa
8 Montreal Road, Glen Anil,
P.O. Box 40002, RED HILL
Durban 4071
South Africa
Phone : 27 31 569 2974
Telefax : 27 31 569 3058
Email : vedanta@ramakrishna-sa.org.za
Sri Lanka
Ramakrishna Mission
40 Ramakrishna Road
Wellawatta, Colombo 6
Sri Lanka
Phone: 94-11-258-8253
Email: rkmcey@eureka.lk
Batticaloa: rkmbat@eureka.lk
Centre Vedantique
63 Avenue D'Aire
CH-1203, Geneva
Phone: 41-22/340-7807
Email: amarananda@bluewin.ch
Ramakrishna Vedanta Centre
Nsunzu Road
P.O. Box 31588
Lusaka, Zambia
Phone: 260-125-3090
United Kingdom
Ramakrishna Vedanta Centre
Blind Lane, Bourne End,
Buckinghamshire SL8 5LF,
United Kingdom
Phone : 44-162-852 6464
Email : vedantauk@talk21.com
United States of America
Vedanta Society of Berkeley
2455 Bowditch Street
Berkeley, CA 94704
Phone: 510/848-8862
Vedanta Society of Northern California
2323 Vallejo Street
San Francisco, CA 94123
Phone: 415/922-2323
Vedanta Retreat
P.O. Box 215
Olema, CA 94950
Phone: 415/663-1258
Vedanta Society of Sacramento
1337 Mission Avenue
Carmichael, CA 95608
Phone: 916/489-5137
Vedanta Society of Southern California
1946 Vedanta Place
Hollywood, CA 90068-3996
Phone: 323/465-7114
Santa Barbara Temple
927 Ladera Lane
Santa Barbara, CA 93108
Phone: 805/969-2903
Ramakrishna Trabuco Monastery
P.O. Box 408
Trabuco Canyon, CA 92678
Phone: 714/858-0342
San Diego Monastery
1440 Upas Street
San Diego, CA 92103-5129
Phone: 619/291-9377
Vivekananda House
309 Monterey Road
South Pasadena, CA
Phone: 323/254-1546
Vedanta Center of St. Petersburg
216 19th Avenue S.E.
St. Petersburg, Florida 33705
(corner Bay St. & 19th Ave. S.E.)
Telephone: (727) 896-9840
Vivekananda Vedanta Society
14630 S. Lemont Road
Homer Glen IL, 60491
Vivekananda Monastery and Retreat
6723 122nd Avenue
Ganges Township(Fennville), MI 49408
Phone: 269/543-4545
Ramakrishna-Vedanta Society
58 Deerfield Street
Boston, MA 02215
Phone: 617/536-5320
Vedanta Society of St. Louis
205 South Skinker Boulevard
St. Louis, MO 63105
Phone: 314/721-5118
Email: vedantastl@prodigy.net
Vedanta Society of Kansas City
8701 Ward Parkway
Kansas City, MO 64114
Phone: 816/444-8045
New York
Vedanta Society of New York
34 West 71st Street
New York, NY 10023
Phone: 212/877-9197
Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center of New York
17 East 94th Street
New York, NY 10128
Phone: 212/534-9445
Vivekananda Retreat (Ridgely Manor)
P.O. Box 321
Stone Ridge, NY 12484
Phone: (845) 687-4574
Fax: (845) 687-4578
Email: info@ridgely.org
Vedanta Society of Portland
1157 S.E. 55th Avenue
Portland, OR 97215
Phone: 503/235-3919
Rhode Island
The Vedanta Society of Providence
227 Angell Street
Providence, RI 02906
Phone: 401/421-0926
Email: vedantaprov@hotmail.com
Washington D.C.
Vedanta Center of Greater Washington, D.C
3001 Bel Pre Road
Silver Spring, MD 20906
Phone: (301) 603-1772
Fax: (301) 603-1770
Email: vedanta.dc@gmail.com
Vedanta Society of Western Washington
2716 Broadway East
Seattle, WA 98102
Phone: 206/323-1228
Email: society@vedanta-seattle.org
For Global Vedanta Journal
For Viveka Press